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Craft info
Manufacture 25 (25) Production 20 (22)
Type Module Tech level 5 (5)
Total Cost 289,989 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 890 Total XP 22,133
Total Cost / Total XP 13
Store Arnos Schematic Supply (x2)
Coopers Schematic Supply (x4)
Wals ATV Designs (x1)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alucite Ore1639,128
Argonight Ore40043,600
Berilliniumnite Ore203,720
Biogenic Ore46440,368
Construction Components305,340
Dylithium Gas1013,720
Inert Gas1606,080
Iron Ore2607,800
Ore (Sephira)2504,750
Plasteel (Domat)254,900
Quasar Ore353,710
Refined Ore256,325
Terracyte Ore605,820
Textile Goods6412,352
Traylon Gas1104,510
Tungsten (Hebid)5016,700
Zirconium (Hebid)5015,250
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alucite Ore583,248
Berilliniumnite Ore203,720
Construction Components305,340
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
ECO2O2 Filter Kit846,448
Environmental PVKA-1196,888
Misc Refit Kit PVKA-12180,118
O2 Tanks V2528,850
Omni Storage Pod1057,800
Replacement Console R11693,568
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Environmental PVKA-1196,888
Misc Refit Kit PVKA-12180,118
Used in directly
Adv Interior PVKA-1 
Used in schematics
Planetary Vehicle Kit Atlas 3 
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Refitting Kit PVKB-1 (x1)
Environmental PVKA-1 (x1)Misc Refit Kit PVKA-1 (x2)
O2 Tanks V2 (x5)ECO2O2 Filter Kit (x8)Omni Storage Pod (x10)Replacement Console R1 (x16)