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Craft info
Manufacture 99 (99) Production 88 (88)
Type Module Tech level 10 (10)
Total Cost 420,058 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 1,461 Total XP 11,759
Total Cost / Total XP 35
Store Arc-Light Projects (x3)
Dome Depot (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alucite Ore25014,000
Artificial Optics3737,333
Construction Components254,450
Data Cube Public1131,625
Entertainment Media11253,088
Forge Grain70014,000
Planetary Exports14494,752
Private Goods1125,600
Refined Ore10025,300
Ship Parts2521,250
Treated Ore24427,084
Welding Kit289,296
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Artificial Optics3737,333
Treated Ore24427,084
Welding Kit289,296
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Bio Storage Tank1102,400
Bio Tank Brackets527,275
Bio Tank Wall Module529,150
Farm Market Sales1185,065
Seed Storage1145,800
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Farm Market Sales1185,065
Seed Storage1145,800
Used in directly
Farm Arable System 
Used in schematics
Settlement Farm LargeSettlement Farm Medium
Settlement Farm Small 
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Farm Automation (x1)
Seed Storage (x1)
Bio Storage Tank (x1)
Farm Market Sales (x1)Bio Tank Brackets (x5)Bio Tank Wall Module (x5)