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Craft info
Manufacture 128 (128) Production 118 (118)
Type Module Tech level 10 (10)
Total Cost 924,173 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 2,050 Total XP 12,570
Total Cost / Total XP 73
Store Dome Depot (x7)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Animal Feed46613,048
Animal Feed (Sephira)45525,480
Animal Feed (Wanish)45532,305
Bio Enzymes54517,985
Bio Foods52211,484
Biogenetic Goods4131,119
Commercial Furniture4422,748
Domestic Chemicals20046,000
Domestic Furniture185110,445
E.L Enzyme22126,500
Eden Alligator10236,210
Emergency Anti Viral5638,584
HSR Organs6235,278
High Capacity Storage2218,546
High Grade Data Tech2227,830
Horticultural Goods22150,388
Medical Components12864,768
O2 Regulator7726,411
Ready Meals19819,206
Refined Corenium2523,950
Textile Goods14427,792
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Commercial Furniture4422,748
Domestic Furniture8852,536
Ready Meals19819,206
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Animal Breeder1456,387
Animal Care Unit1351,246
Bio Gene System1107,892
Farm Auto Feed1108,393
Farm Medic Unit191,860
Incubator Hybrid System1186,695
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Animal Breeder1456,387
Animal Care Unit1351,246
Used in directly
Settlement Farm LargeSettlement Farm Medium
Settlement Farm Small 
Used in schematics
Settlement Farm LargeSettlement Farm Medium
Settlement Farm Small 
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Farm Husbandry System (x1)
Animal Breeder (x1)Animal Care Unit (x1)
Bio Gene System (x1)Incubator Hybrid System (x1)Farm Auto Feed (x1)Farm Medic Unit (x1)