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Craft info
Manufacture 260 (260) Production 255 (255)
Type Module Tech level 12 (12)
Total Cost 1,364,560 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 3,120 Total XP 74,160
Total Cost / Total XP 18
Store Golsan Crafting (x1)
Samlo Industries (x2)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Cryogenics33638,304
Alien Medicines43237,152
Alien Military Alloy19293,312
Alien Module System24015,840
Hikarite Gas43274,304
Turbidic Ore4,240347,680
Unstable Infernanium576124,992
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Military Alloy19293,312
Alien Module System24015,840
Turbidic Ore4,240347,680
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
RS J2148246,576
TCTI 248416,352
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
RS J2148246,576
TCTI 248416,352
Used in directly
Teltor Power Scoop 
Used in schematics
Livor 2-A Salvage Cutter - Type CLivor 2-B Salvage Cutter - Type C
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Stagshot Harness (x16)
RS J21 (x48)TCTI 2 (x48)