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Craft info
Manufacture 20 (20) Production 25 (25)
Type Module Tech level 6 (6)
Total Cost 41,992 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 504 Total XP 3,804
Total Cost / Total XP 11
Store Arnos Schematic Supply (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alucite Ore (Simbirsk)404,080
Biogenic Ore726,264
Copper Ore (Glom)403,480
Inert Gas602,280
Inert Gas (Cranmore)302,070
Ore (Wanish)501,000
Ref Metal (Cranmore)203,320
Refined Ore205,060
Water (Messor)30690
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Inert Gas (Cranmore)302,070
Ore (Wanish)501,000
Ref Metal (Cranmore)203,320
Water (Messor)30690
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Sonic Reader416,408
Sub-Space Sonic Unit418,504
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Sonic Reader416,408
Sub-Space Sonic Unit418,504
Used in directly
Adv Ship ID UnitDerelict System Scanner T1
Used in schematics
Derelict System Scanner T1Derelict System Scanner T2
Derelict System Scanner T3 
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Basic Mass Identifier (x2)
Sonic Reader (x4)Sub-Space Sonic Unit (x4)