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Craft info
Manufacture 510 (510) Production 490 (490)
Type Module Tech level 12 (12)
Total Cost 3,616,762 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 4,634 Total XP 45,548
Total Cost / Total XP 79
Store Deep Star Creations (x4)
Ship Parts Inc (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
AI Control Cards80252,080
Commercial Technology8258,138
Data Cube Public3086,250
Dyterium Ore6061,380
Electronic Components1,514345,192
Element 2511,444116,964
High Tech Components1,204396,116
Hyper O228849,248
Isotopic Sclerogen36499,372
Jasper Ore68878,432
Kallycite Ore51483,782
Military Munitions8052,080
QMG - Electronics80111,360
Quasar Ore78082,680
Refined Trisiolate Gas402520,590
Ship Parts800680,000
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Electronic Components1,412321,936
Element 2511,444116,964
High Tech Components800263,200
QMG - Electronics80111,360
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Combat Array21,603,646
Combat Interface2246,394
Fire Control Systems2712,234
Navigation Array21,199,656
Primary Navigation Systems2231,796
Secondary Navigation Systems2275,578
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Combat Array21,603,646
Navigation Array21,199,656
Used in directly
Ship Section 6 
Used in schematics
Engineering Frame 1Engineering Frame 2
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Ships Systems Array (x2)
Navigation Array (x2)Combat Array (x2)
Primary Navigation Systems (x2)Secondary Navigation Systems (x2)Combat Interface (x2)Fire Control Systems (x2)