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Craft info
Manufacture 265 (265) Production 245 (245)
Type Module Tech level 12 (12)
Total Cost 2,053,316 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 7,000 Total XP 50,000
Total Cost / Total XP 41
Store Alien Justice League (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Agro Grow4,720420,080
Alien Engineering Systems232104,168
Alucite Ore65036,400
Commercial Technology544385,696
Copper Ore56025,760
Eden Alligator312110,760
Electronic Components564128,592
Inert Gas4,352165,376
Iron Ore6,576197,280
Xerinium Ore5,480361,680
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alucite Ore65036,400
Copper Ore56025,760
Eden Alligator312110,760
Electronic Components564128,592
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Bio Disflagor4700,500
Sentient Cell81,051,304
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Bio Disflagor4700,500
Sentient Cell81,051,304
Used in directly
Patrol Co-ordinator 
Used in schematics
Expanse Settlement AllExpanse Settlement Hub Part 6
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Central Quarters (x2)
Sentient Cell (x8)Bio Disflagor (x4)