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Craft info
Manufacture 66 (66) Production 55 (55)
Type Module Tech level 8 (8)
Total Cost 134,996 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 678 Total XP 1,356
Total Cost / Total XP 99
Store Dome Depot (x1)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Construction Components27048,060
H.D Drill bits4424,816
Horticultural Goods23052,440
Remote Actuated Valves449,680
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Construction Components27048,060
H.D Drill bits4424,816
Horticultural Goods23052,440
Remote Actuated Valves449,680
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Used in directly
Farm Mini Terraformer 
Used in schematics
Settlement Farm LargeSettlement Farm Medium
Settlement Farm Small 
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Farm Automated Harvester (x2)