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Craft info
Manufacture 90 (90) Production 75 (75)
Type Module Tech level 9 (9)
Total Cost 623,454 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 4,259 Total XP 14,758
Total Cost / Total XP 42
Store Dome Depot (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Artificial Optics5656,504
Civilian Grade Ammunition40060,800
Data Cube Public1028,750
Eden Alligator13246,860
Enhanced Cybernetics2433,120
High Grade Data Tech4253,130
High Grade Electronics154138,138
Reactive Gas (Cranmore)27027,810
Refined Metal48841,968
Robotic Parts6833,864
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Civilian Grade Ammunition40060,800
Eden Alligator4415,620
Reactive Gas (Cranmore)27027,810
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Customer Protection2162,832
Surveillance Systems2253,882
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Customer Protection2162,832
Surveillance Systems2253,882
Used in directly
Hotel Management System 
Used in schematics
Settlement Hotel LargeSettlement Hotel Medium
Settlement Hotel Small 
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Hotel Security (x2)
Customer Protection (x2)Surveillance Systems (x2)