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Craft info
Manufacture 125 (125) Production 115 (115)
Type Module Tech level 10 (10)
Total Cost 1,504,964 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 1,279 Total XP 36,396
Total Cost / Total XP 41
Store Dome Depot (x7)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alcoholic Beverages48842,456
Bio Enzymes39012,870
Bio-Gen Trees567,112
Breakfast Goods22222,644
Civilian Goods370129,500
Commercial Brews18250,778
Commercial Furniture194100,298
Domestic Chemicals1,500345,000
Domestic Furniture4426,268
Entertainment Media17683,424
Food Goods68838,528
Fresh Foods58044,080
Frozen Meats28857,024
Hyper O213222,572
Musical Instruments8842,328
Refined Chemicals39028,080
Social Goods18268,614
Sports Goods176120,384
Synthetic Silk45056,700
Textile Goods28855,584
Tinned Goods28837,440
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Civilian Goods21675,600
Musical Instruments8842,328
Social Goods18268,614
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Activity Spa2737,030
Exercise Gym2280,280
Hotel Food and Drink2148,096
Restaurant Bar Fabrication2240,612
Restaurant Bar Systems2545,272
Water Treatment (Pool)2393,790
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Activity Spa2737,030
Restaurant Bar Systems2545,272
Used in directly
Hotel Services 
Used in schematics
Settlement Hotel LargeSettlement Hotel Medium
Settlement Hotel Small 
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Leisure and Food (x2)
Activity Spa (x2)Restaurant Bar Systems (x2)
Exercise Gym (x2)Water Treatment (Pool) (x2)Hotel Food and Drink (x2)Restaurant Bar Fabrication (x2)