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Craft info
Manufacture 125 (125) Production 115 (115)
Type Module Tech level 11 (11)
Total Cost 1,598,522 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 3,811 Total XP 36,458
Total Cost / Total XP 43
Store Dome Depot (x7)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Artificial Optics5656,504
Childrens Goods8835,288
Childrens Toys8812,496
Civilian Grade Ammunition40060,800
Copper Ore96044,160
Cultural Artifacts4433,396
Data Cube Public2057,500
Eden Alligator13246,860
Enhanced Cybernetics2433,120
Entertainment Media8841,712
Fashion Clothing244113,704
Galactic News28836,576
High Grade Data Tech4253,130
High Grade Electronics224200,928
Planetary Exports230151,340
Private Goods31015,500
Randium Gas57646,656
Reactive Gas (Cranmore)27027,810
Refined Metal1,268109,048
Refined Ore880222,640
Robotic Parts6833,864
Secure Mail31034,720
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Copper Ore96044,160
Randium Gas57646,656
Refined Metal78067,080
Refined Ore880222,640
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Billing Systems2141,760
Customer Protection2162,832
Guest Management2594,532
Hotel Security2623,454
Managerial Services2235,700
Surveillance Systems2253,882
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Guest Management2594,532
Hotel Security2623,454
Used in directly
Settlement Hotel LargeSettlement Hotel Medium
Settlement Hotel Small 
Used in schematics
Settlement Hotel LargeSettlement Hotel Medium
Settlement Hotel Small 
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Hotel Management System (x2)
Guest Management (x2)Hotel Security (x2)
Billing Systems (x2)Managerial Services (x2)Customer Protection (x2)Surveillance Systems (x2)