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Craft info
Manufacture 97 (97) Production 81 (81)
Type Module Tech level 10 (10)
Total Cost 741,024 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 1,959 Total XP 6,388
Total Cost / Total XP 116
Store Dome Depot (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Artificial Optics6262,558
Childrens Goods13252,932
Childrens Toys13218,744
Construction Components18232,396
Domestic Furniture14284,774
Enhanced Cybernetics4257,960
Kallycite Ore980159,740
Social Goods13249,764
Synthetic Silk28836,288
Universal AC23266,120
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Construction Components18232,396
Kallycite Ore980159,740
Synthetic Silk28836,288
Universal AC23266,120
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Hospital Cybernetics Dept2240,266
Hospital Therapy Dept2206,214
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Hospital Cybernetics Dept2240,266
Hospital Therapy Dept2206,214
Used in directly
In Patient Wing 
Used in schematics
Hospital LargeHospital Medium
Hospital Small 
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Hospital Recovery (x2)
Hospital Cybernetics Dept (x2)Hospital Therapy Dept (x2)