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Craft info
Manufacture 260 (260) Production 240 (240)
Type Module Tech level 11 (11)
Total Cost 488,258 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 4,103 Total XP 10,126
Total Cost / Total XP 48
Store Strade Schematics (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Industrial Alloys17498,136
Alien Interface596168,072
Alloyed Impervon4410,692
Alloyed Uraninite328,256
Exotic Osmite325,824
Isotopic Sclerogen205,460
Resolidified Cazrilium57660,480
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Industrial Alloys17498,136
Alien Interface596168,072
Resolidified Cazrilium57660,480
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
PR 11430,876
TZ 3L437,232
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
PR 11430,876
TZ 3L437,232
Used in directly
Dusot Target Scanner 
Used in schematics
Alien Chiryn Scan Limit ExpanderAlien Cine Scan Limit Expander
Alien Tantas Scan Limit ExpanderAlien Vorser Scan Limit Expander
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Salan Hyperbolic Adaptor (x2)
PR 11 (x4)TZ 3L (x4)