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Craft info
Manufacture 75 (75) Production 75 (75)
Type Module Tech level 8 (8)
Total Cost 185,991 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 450 Total XP 1,350
Total Cost / Total XP 137
Store Sams Implants (x1)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Biogenetic Goods3627,324
E.L Enzyme21120,750
HSR Organs95,121
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Biogenetic Goods3627,324
E.L Enzyme21120,750
HSR Organs95,121
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Used in directly
Chest Implant (Level 2)Chest Implant (Level 3)
Head Implant (Level 2)Head Implant (Level 3)
Left Arm Implant (Level 2)Left Arm Implant (Level 3)
Left Foot Implant (Level 2)Left Foot Implant (Level 3)
Left Hand Implant (Level 2)Left Hand Implant (Level 3)
Left Leg Implant (Level 2)Left Leg Implant (Level 3)
Right Arm Implant (Level 2)Right Arm Implant (Level 3)
Right Foot Implant (Level 2)Right Foot Implant (Level 3)
Right Hand Implant (Level 2)Right Hand Implant (Level 3)
Right Leg Implant (Level 2)Right Leg Implant (Level 3)
Waist Implant (Level 2)Waist Implant (Level 3)
Used in schematics
Chest Implant (Level 2)Chest Implant (Level 3)
Head Implant (Level 2)Head Implant (Level 3)
Left Arm Implant (Level 2)Left Arm Implant (Level 3)
Left Foot Implant (Level 2)Left Foot Implant (Level 3)
Left Hand Implant (Level 2)Left Hand Implant (Level 3)
Left Leg Implant (Level 2)Left Leg Implant (Level 3)
Right Arm Implant (Level 2)Right Arm Implant (Level 3)
Right Foot Implant (Level 2)Right Foot Implant (Level 3)
Right Hand Implant (Level 2)Right Hand Implant (Level 3)
Right Leg Implant (Level 2)Right Leg Implant (Level 3)
Waist Implant (Level 2)Waist Implant (Level 3)
Click HERE to open the graph in its own page.
Neural Inhibitor Advanced (x3)