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Craft info
Manufacture 108 (108) Production 91 (91)
Type Module Tech level 10 (10)
Total Cost 1,561,083 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 1,113 Total XP 41,541
Total Cost / Total XP 37
Store Dome Depot (x5)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alcoholic Beverages36031,320
Civilian Goods24084,000
Company Bonds300380,100
Electronic Components1,041237,348
Food Goods36020,160
Fresh Foods72054,720
High Tech Components18360,207
Quasar Ore42044,520
Ready Meals36034,920
Ref Metal (Karanor)765114,750
Refined Metal78067,080
Robotic Parts264131,472
Secure Mail57063,840
Social Goods342128,934
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Civilian Goods24084,000
Company Bonds300380,100
Secure Mail57063,840
Social Goods342128,934
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Drink Dispenser System3147,312
Food Dispenser System3169,992
Food and Drink Services3572,976
Office Technical Services3331,233
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Food and Drink Services3572,976
Office Technical Services3331,233
Used in directly
Office Systems 
Used in schematics
Office Block LargeOffice Block Medium
Office Block Small 
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Office Management System (x3)
Food and Drink Services (x3)
Drink Dispenser System (x3)Food Dispenser System (x3)Office Technical Services (x3)