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Craft info
Manufacture 85 (85) Production 85 (85)
Type Module Tech level 11 (11)
Total Cost 568,880 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 1,585 Total XP 11,612
Total Cost / Total XP 48
Store Cyber Systems (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alucite Ore (Delphus)79275,240
Alucite Ore (Simbirsk)27628,152
Bio Enzymes (Elista)22413,440
Charged Plasmasite16435,424
Ref Metal (Mity)32456,376
Steel (Beltaine)976134,688
Water (Olivat)1,02028,560
Zirconium (Hebid)10030,500
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alucite Ore (Delphus)79275,240
Steel (Beltaine)976134,688
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
AI Interlink Alpha481,668
AI Interlink Beta4110,784
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
AI Interlink Alpha481,668
AI Interlink Beta4110,784
Used in directly
CSI Interface Unit 
Used in schematics
C.S.I. (Combat Unit)C.S.I. (Outlaw Unit)
C.S.I. (Trade Unit) 
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Encryption Device (x4)
AI Interlink Alpha (x4)AI Interlink Beta (x4)