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Craft info
Manufacture 370 (370) Production 350 (350)
Type Module Tech level 12 (12)
Total Cost 2,337,880 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 1,826 Total XP 34,128
Total Cost / Total XP 68
Store Black Star Shipwrights (x3)
Ship Parts Inc (x4)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
AI Control Cards88277,288
Artificial Optics6060,540
Charged Plasmasite16435,424
Electronic Components8820,064
Enhanced Cybernetics6082,800
Hikarite Gas57699,072
QMG - Alloys T16033,840
QMG - Alloys T26033,840
QMG - Components140201,320
QMG - Construction6081,120
QMG - Electronics100139,200
Randium Gas48038,880
Reactive Gas48828,304
Refined Metal1,516130,376
Refined Ore16441,492
Ship Parts10085,000
Starship Alloy14055,580
Turbidic Ore1,15294,464
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Randium Gas48038,880
Ship Parts10085,000
Starship Alloy14055,580
Turbidic Ore1,15294,464
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Entry Armour Plating4367,372
Entry Energy Linkage4375,112
Entry Hull Frame Link41,191,748
Entry Hull Plating4359,224
Entry Hull Systems4872,208
Entry Sensor Net4522,832
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Entry Hull Frame Link41,191,748
Entry Hull Systems4872,208
Used in directly
Chassis - HalifaxChassis - IC-101
Chassis - SierraChassis - Ventris
Chassis - Vestra 
Used in schematics
Chassis - HalifaxChassis - IC-101
Chassis - SierraChassis - Ventris
Chassis - Vestra 
Click HERE to open the graph in its own page.
Entry Hull Frame Unit (x4)
Entry Hull Systems (x4)Entry Hull Frame Link (x4)
Entry Hull Plating (x4)Entry Armour Plating (x4)Entry Energy Linkage (x4)Entry Sensor Net (x4)