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Craft info
Manufacture 95 (95) Production 75 (75)
Type Module Tech level 9 (9)
Total Cost 235,244 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 1,200 Total XP 4,800
Total Cost / Total XP 49
Store Coopers Schematic Supply (x1)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Reactive Gas76444,312
Refined Metal44037,840
Refined Ore32481,972
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Reactive Gas76444,312
Refined Metal44037,840
Refined Ore32481,972
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Used in directly
Heavy Retrieval HopperRefinery Containment Unit
Used in schematics
Deep Core Heavy Retrieval MK1Deep Core Heavy Retrieval MK2
Deep Core Heavy Retrieval MK3Deep Core Heavy Retrieval MK4
Refinery Plant (Byzilliam Ore)Refinery Plant (Dylithium Gas)
Refinery Plant (Dylithium Ore)Refinery Plant (Dyterium Ore)
Refinery Plant (Ref Dyterium)Refinery Plant (Ref Trisiolate Gas)
Refinery Plant (Ref Tryonite)Refinery Plant (Tessarine Gas)
Refinery Plant (Tessarine Ore)Refinery Plant (Trigenite Ore)
Refinery Plant (Tryonite Ore)Settlement Fabricator
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Hopper Feed System (x4)