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Craft info
Manufacture 320 (320) Production 315 (315)
Type Module Tech level 12 (12)
Total Cost 21,118,512 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 525 Total XP 388,080
Total Cost / Total XP 54
Store Golsan Crafting (x2)
Samlo Industries (x1)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Control Systems2,304815,616
Alien Cryogenics Tank1,728971,136
Alien Industrial Tech6,7206,175,680
Alien Medical Pack4,8003,590,400
Alien Neural Net1,6801,466,640
Alien Power Conduits1,440532,800
Alien Power Sensor1,920819,840
Alien Prism Device1,680964,320
Exotic Osmite8,6401,572,480
Low-density Phazenium14,400460,800
Unstable Cyclium6,720369,600
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Neural Net1,6801,466,640
Alien Power Conduits1,440532,800
Alien Power Sensor1,920819,840
Alien Prism Device1,680964,320
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
ODM 111923,728,832
PX 2C219213,606,080
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
ODM 111923,728,832
PX 2C219213,606,080
Used in directly
Lubien High Attrition Focal Beams 
Used in schematics
Livor 4 HD Salvage Cutter - Type C 
Click HERE to open the graph in its own page.
Lubien Heavy Duty Coupling (x48)
ODM 11 (x192)PX 2C2 (x192)