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Craft info
Manufacture 170 (200) Production 150 (185)
Type Module Tech level 9 (9)
Total Cost 5,061,078 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 30,000 Total XP 288,000
Total Cost / Total XP 17
Store Arc-Light Projects (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alucite Ore4,584256,704
Civilian Goods642224,700
Commercial Technology1,350957,150
Refined Metal3,528303,408
Refined Ore3,900986,700
Social Goods1,458549,666
Synthetic Silk1,422179,172
Technological Goods1,116903,960
Textile Goods1,026198,018
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Civilian Goods642224,700
Refined Ore27068,310
Synthetic Silk1,422179,172
Textile Goods1,026198,018
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Entertainment System XL182,661,246
Multi Purpose Gym241,729,632
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Entertainment System XL182,661,246
Multi Purpose Gym241,729,632
Used in directly
Eden Construction Part 2 
Used in schematics
Settlement Housing Eden 1Settlement Housing Eden 2
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Luxury Fitting (x6)
Entertainment System XL (x18)Multi Purpose Gym (x24)