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Craft info
Manufacture 430 (430) Production 455 (455)
Type Module Tech level 12 (12)
Total Cost 5,127,017 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 5,650 Total XP 67,780
Total Cost / Total XP 75
Store Golsan Crafting (x3)
Samlo Industries (x4)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Detonator360123,840
Alien Fabrication Goods10521,525
Alien Mass Storage12052,320
Alien Military Alloy216104,976
Alien Neural Net360314,280
Alien Organic Matter2889,504
Alien Planet Data36064,440
Alien Power Sensor360153,720
Alien Quantum Storage558257,796
Alien Repair Tool39084,630
Alien Security Data360153,360
Alien Synthetics55846,314
Alien Teleporter1,1101,263,180
Alien Thermal Shielding24041,040
Alien Vaccine1,368456,912
Alien Xetol Skeleton270155,790
Oxidized Zortium45567,340
Resolidified Cazrilium45047,250
Void Crystals4,8001,056,000
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Fabrication Goods10521,525
Alien Mass Storage12052,320
Oxidized Zortium45567,340
Resolidified Cazrilium45047,250
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Heavy Mining Scoop62,401,446
Heavy Support System62,537,136
IF I2241,466,616
INT K8241,381,704
ODM 1024594,552
TNT X124486,720
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Heavy Mining Scoop62,401,446
Heavy Support System62,537,136
Used in directly
Livor 4 HD Salvage Cutter - Type C 
Used in schematics
Livor 4 HD Salvage Cutter - Type C 
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TX101 Dredge-Scoop (x1)
Heavy Mining Scoop (x6)Heavy Support System (x6)
INT K8 (x24)ODM 10 (x24)IF I2 (x24)TNT X1 (x24)