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Craft info
Manufacture 160 (160) Production 135 (135)
Type Module Tech level 11 (11)
Total Cost 863,752 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 1,581 Total XP 17,431
Total Cost / Total XP 49
Store Cyber Systems (x7)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alucite Ore (Delphus)39637,620
Alucite Ore (Simbirsk)13814,076
Bio Enzymes (Elista)1126,720
Charged Plasmasite8217,712
Electronic Components11225,536
High Grade Data Tech5164,515
High Grade Electronics8172,657
Ref Chemicals (Meltram)20028,800
Ref Metal (Mity)16228,188
Ref Metal (Tolsto)17430,102
Rubidium (Beltaine)20454,060
Steel (Beltaine)48867,344
Terovite Gas24223,716
Thracium Gas78695,106
Tungsten (Hebid)7224,048
Universal AC8022,800
Water (Messor)84419,412
Water (Olivat)1,53042,840
Zandimonte Ore28437,772
Zirconium (Hebid)5015,250
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
High Grade Data Tech5164,515
High Grade Electronics8172,657
Ref Chemicals (Meltram)20028,800
Ref Metal (Tolsto)17430,102
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
AI Interlink Alpha240,834
AI Interlink Beta255,392
AI Logic Probe2383,238
Data Storage System4142,080
Encryption Device2284,440
Neural Network Interface4155,372
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
AI Logic Probe2383,238
Encryption Device2284,440
Used in directly
C.S.I. (Combat Unit)C.S.I. (Outlaw Unit)
C.S.I. (Trade Unit) 
Used in schematics
C.S.I. (Combat Unit)C.S.I. (Outlaw Unit)
C.S.I. (Trade Unit) 
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CSI Interface Unit (x1)
AI Logic Probe (x2)Encryption Device (x2)
Data Storage System (x4)Neural Network Interface (x4)AI Interlink Alpha (x2)AI Interlink Beta (x2)