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Craft info
Manufacture 28 (28) Production 20 (20)
Type Module Tech level 7 (7)
Total Cost 35,209 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 653 Total XP 3,105
Total Cost / Total XP 11
Store Wals ATV Designs (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Biogenic Ore766,612
Copper Ore321,472
Cryzen Ore213,297
Inert Gas (Welling)322,432
Liquid Sologen222,530
Ore (Vesta)1282,560
Ref Chemicals (Simbirsk)243,384
Ref Metal (Mity)406,960
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Copper Ore321,472
Cryzen Ore213,297
Liquid Sologen222,530
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Down-Force Jets E1813,864
Propulsion Tanks E1411,604
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Down-Force Jets E1813,864
Propulsion Tanks E1411,604
Used in directly
Maneuvering Systems R1 
Used in schematics
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Low Gravity Unit (x1)
Propulsion Tanks E1 (x4)Down-Force Jets E1 (x8)