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Craft info
Manufacture 52 (52) Production 45 (45)
Type Module Tech level 8 (8)
Total Cost 167,176 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 905 Total XP 12,705
Total Cost / Total XP 13
Store Wals ATV Designs (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Argonight Ore404,360
Biogenic Ore28024,360
Copper Ore452,070
Inert Gas (Welling)16812,768
Iron Ore2838,490
Magnetic Andium31244,928
Ref Chemicals (Meltram)14420,736
Ref Metal (Tolsto)20034,600
Refined Chemicals322,304
Water (Olivat)2005,600
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Argonight Ore404,360
Copper Ore452,070
Iron Ore511,530
Refined Chemicals322,304
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
ECO-UPV ATS Tire864,824
ECO-UPV Drive Shaft892,088
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
ECO-UPV ATS Tire864,824
ECO-UPV Drive Shaft892,088
Used in directly
Drive System DTS1 
Used in schematics
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DTS1 Motion Unit (x1)
ECO-UPV ATS Tire (x8)ECO-UPV Drive Shaft (x8)