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Craft info
Manufacture 325 (325) Production 310 (310)
Type Special Tech level 12 (12)
Total Cost 1,980,440 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 24,570 Total XP 71,442
Total Cost / Total XP 27
Store Coopers Schematic Supply (x2)
Waldos Schematics (x1)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Electronic Components476108,528
Irradiated Quazitron1,640134,480
Malifinum Ore1,590259,170
Ore (Sephira)1,57729,963
Plasteel (Vesta)1,745371,685
Quasar Ore1,078114,268
Radioactive Stocks1,512114,912
Refined Chemicals1,694121,968
Refined Ore770194,810
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Irradiated Quazitron1,640134,480
Malifinum Ore1,590259,170
Ore (Sephira)1,57729,963
Plasteel (Vesta)1,745371,685
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Energy Containment14549,962
Energy Stream Controller14635,180
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Energy Containment14549,962
Energy Stream Controller14635,180
Used in directly
Used in schematics
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System Booster S13 (x1)
Energy Stream Controller (x14)Energy Containment (x14)