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Craft info
Manufacture 185 (185) Production 175 (175)
Type Module Tech level 12 (12)
Total Cost 3,329,486 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 3,968 Total XP 17,070
Total Cost / Total XP 195
Store Geo Tech Labs (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Electronic Components1,530348,840
High Tech Components1,600526,400
Iridium (Wanish)940220,900
Quasar Ore1,186125,716
Ref Metal (Beltaine)720115,920
Refined Ore1,440364,320
Refined Trisiolate Gas81104,895
Terracyte Ore5,500533,500
Tessarine Gas585633,555
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Electronic Components1,530348,840
High Tech Components1,410463,890
Quasar Ore1,186125,716
Terracyte Ore5,500533,500
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Genesis Capacitor2672,690
Genesis Coil31,184,850
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Genesis Capacitor2672,690
Genesis Coil31,184,850
Used in directly
Genesis Generator 
Used in schematics
Genesis Fusion Reactor Type 1 
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Genesis Coil Array (x1)
Genesis Coil (x3)Genesis Capacitor (x2)