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Craft info
Manufacture 345 (345) Production 310 (310)
Type Module Tech level 12 (12)
Total Cost 12,541,174 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 20,000 Total XP 293,000
Total Cost / Total XP 42
Store Alien Justice League (x15)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Atmosphere Unit11233,936
Alien Plasglass978111,492
Alien Purification System360103,680
Alucite Ore12,124678,944
Copper Ore26,5641,221,944
Electronic Components3,540807,120
Feltonite Ore5,124891,576
Inert Gas5,546210,748
Iron Ore30,680920,400
Randium Gas8,384679,104
Reactive Gas1,72099,760
Refined Ore14,8903,767,170
Traylon Gas6,330259,530
Xerinium Ore25,2661,667,556
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Plasglass978111,492
Inert Gas1,45055,100
Iron Ore3,900117,000
Refined Ore455115,115
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Backup Power Looms22,259,428
Conduit Network16,315,803
Filtration Unit81,833,504
Incoming Services8902,256
O2 Scrubber8428,072
Outgoing Services8937,872
Power Gate41,504,872
Power Looms23,085,080
Primary Router41,135,692
Redundant Gate4778,328
Secondary Router4945,840
Services Grid42,332,208
Ventilation Grid42,716,256
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Conduit Network16,315,803
Used in directly
Expanse Settlement Hub Part 1 
Used in schematics
Expanse Settlement AllExpanse Settlement Hub Part 1
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SubStructure (x1)
Conduit Network (x1)Crawlspace (x2)
Power Looms (x2)Backup Power Looms (x2)Ventilation Grid (x4)Services Grid (x4)
Primary Router (x4)Power Gate (x4)Secondary Router (x4)Redundant Gate (x4)O2 Scrubber (x8)Filtration Unit (x8)Incoming Services (x8)Outgoing Services (x8)