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Craft info
Manufacture 410 (410) Production 390 (390)
Type Settlement Tech level 9 (9)
Total Cost 16,229,988 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 50,000 Total XP 609,000
Total Cost / Total XP 26
Store Arc-Light Projects (x18)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alcoholic Beverages44038,280
Alucite Ore2,942164,752
Biogenetic Goods627475,893
Byzilliam Ore82112,094
Civilian Goods321112,350
Commercial Brews440122,760
Commercial Furniture400206,800
Commercial Technology675478,575
Construction Components5,148916,344
Copper Ore7,400340,400
Domestic Chemicals1,600368,000
Domestic Furniture200119,400
Electronic Components1,409321,252
Element 25152442,444
Inert Gas60022,800
Iron Ore2,50075,000
Randium Gas76061,560
Refined Chemicals39228,224
Refined Metal9,764839,704
Refined Ore18,3594,644,827
Refined Tryonite102131,682
Social Goods729274,833
Synthetic Silk1,093137,718
Technological Goods558451,980
Textile Goods731141,083
Tryonite Ore9897,118
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Construction Components2,000356,000
Refined Metal4,500387,000
Refined Ore1,500379,500
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Auto Clean Unit8229,704
Eden Construction Part 114,920,112
Eden Construction Part 216,538,910
Entertainment System XL91,330,623
Housing Care Package21,122,154
Housing Eden 116,351,324
Housing Eden 218,322,964
Housing Structure Module1769,312
Integral Housing System11,183,171
Luxury Fitting32,530,539
Multi Purpose Gym12864,816
Personal Bar4309,012
Robo Laundry Unit8702,400
Sonic Shower Cubical4186,712
Superior Food Synthesizer1599,424
Superior Furniture Suite2416,406
Superior Wall Module101,302,500
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Housing Eden 116,351,324
Housing Eden 218,322,964
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Settlement Housing Eden 1 (x1)
Housing Eden 1 (x1)Housing Eden 2 (x1)
Eden Construction Part 1 (x1)Housing Structure Module (x1)Eden Construction Part 2 (x1)Housing Care Package (x2)
Integral Housing System (x1)Luxury Fitting (x3)
Sonic Shower Cubical (x4)Superior Wall Module (x10)Superior Furniture Suite (x2)Personal Bar (x4)Superior Food Synthesizer (x1)Entertainment System XL (x9)Multi Purpose Gym (x12)Auto Clean Unit (x8)Robo Laundry Unit (x8)