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Craft info
Manufacture 445 (445) Production 430 (430)
Type Settlement Tech level 9 (9)
Total Cost 32,303,076 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 60,000 Total XP 1,178,000
Total Cost / Total XP 27
Store Arc-Light Projects (x18)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alcoholic Beverages88076,560
Alucite Ore5,884329,504
Biogenetic Goods1,254951,786
Byzilliam Ore164224,188
Civilian Goods642224,700
Commercial Brews880245,520
Commercial Furniture800413,600
Commercial Technology1,350957,150
Construction Components10,2961,832,688
Copper Ore14,800680,800
Domestic Chemicals3,200736,000
Domestic Furniture400238,800
Electronic Components2,818642,504
Element 2511,04884,888
Inert Gas1,20045,600
Iron Ore5,000150,000
Randium Gas1,520123,120
Refined Chemicals78456,448
Refined Metal19,5281,679,408
Refined Ore36,2189,163,154
Refined Tryonite204263,364
Social Goods1,458549,666
Synthetic Silk2,186275,436
Technological Goods1,116903,960
Textile Goods1,462282,166
Tryonite Ore196194,236
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Construction Components4,000712,000
Refined Metal9,000774,000
Refined Ore2,500632,500
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Auto Clean Unit16459,408
Eden Construction Part 129,840,224
Eden Construction Part 2213,077,820
Entertainment System XL182,661,246
Housing Care Package42,244,308
Housing Eden 1212,702,648
Housing Eden 2216,645,928
Housing Structure Module21,538,624
Integral Housing System22,366,342
Luxury Fitting65,061,078
Multi Purpose Gym241,729,632
Personal Bar8618,024
Robo Laundry Unit161,404,800
Sonic Shower Cubical8373,424
Superior Food Synthesizer21,198,848
Superior Furniture Suite4832,812
Superior Wall Module202,605,000
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Housing Eden 1212,702,648
Housing Eden 2216,645,928
Used in directly
Used in schematics
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Settlement Housing Eden 2 (x1)
Housing Eden 1 (x2)Housing Eden 2 (x2)
Eden Construction Part 1 (x2)Housing Structure Module (x2)Eden Construction Part 2 (x2)Housing Care Package (x4)
Integral Housing System (x2)Luxury Fitting (x6)
Sonic Shower Cubical (x8)Superior Wall Module (x20)Superior Furniture Suite (x4)Personal Bar (x8)Superior Food Synthesizer (x2)Entertainment System XL (x18)Multi Purpose Gym (x24)Auto Clean Unit (x16)Robo Laundry Unit (x16)