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Craft info
Manufacture 410 (410) Production 385 (385)
Type Module Tech level 10 (10)
Total Cost 469,067 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 4,064 Total XP 14,537
Total Cost / Total XP 32
Store Universal Construction (x1)
Waldos Schematics (x2)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Electronic Components10223,256
Jasper Ore22025,080
Kallycite Ore31250,856
Quasar Ore23124,486
Randium Gas41433,534
Refined Chemicals57641,472
Refined Metal18816,168
Refined Ore610154,330
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Jasper Ore22025,080
Kallycite Ore31250,856
Refined Metal18816,168
Refined Ore21053,130
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Large Cannon Frame2221,806
Phase Containment3102,027
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Large Cannon Frame2221,806
Phase Containment3102,027
Used in directly
Frontier Liberator Phaser 
Used in schematics
Frontier Liberator Phaser 
Click HERE to open the graph in its own page.
Phaser Cannon Chassis Mount (x1)
Large Cannon Frame (x2)Phase Containment (x3)