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Craft info
Manufacture 270 (270) Production 250 (250)
Type Systems Tech level 12 (12)
Total Cost 1,098,081 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 4,571 Total XP 11,950
Total Cost / Total XP 91
Store Arc-Light Projects (x3)
Coopers Schematic Supply (x1)
Mero Brothers (x1)
Waldos Schematics (x2)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Electronics54,025
Argonight Ore50054,500
Berilliniumnite Ore539,858
Commercial Technology150106,350
Construction Components11019,580
Copper Ore62528,750
Data Cube Military29,660
Dylithium Gas177242,844
Dylithium Ore125113,750
Dyterium Ore250255,750
Dyzalithiaum Fuel45036,450
Gaseous Magnomite22531,050
High-density Ultrine43254,432
Inert Gas2459,310
Iron Ore25750
Refined Metal22018,920
Refined Tryonite1012,910
Tellerite Ore26525,705
Tessarine Ore1010,400
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Copper Ore62528,750
Dyterium Ore250255,750
High-density Ultrine43254,432
Tellerite Ore26525,705
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Antimatter Alignment Guide154,927
Antimatter Enhancer164,630
Dylithium Matrix1380,049
Embedded Fuel Converter1483,886
Isophased Nanite110,770
Quark Field Polarizer1249,558
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Embedded Fuel Converter1483,886
Quark Field Polarizer1249,558
Used in directly
Used in schematics
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Hunter Repair System Ver 1 (x1)
Embedded Fuel Converter (x1)Quark Field Polarizer (x1)
Antimatter Alignment Guide (x1)Dylithium Matrix (x1)Antimatter Enhancer (x1)Isophased Nanite (x1)