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Craft info
Manufacture 90 (90) Production 75 (75)
Type Module Tech level 9 (9)
Total Cost 297,266 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 535 Total XP 7,039
Total Cost / Total XP 42
Store Dome Depot (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Childrens Goods4417,644
Childrens Toys446,248
Cultural Artifacts2216,698
Data Cube Public514,375
Entertainment Media4420,856
Fashion Clothing12256,852
Galactic News14418,288
High Grade Electronics3531,395
Planetary Exports11575,670
Private Goods1557,750
Secure Mail15517,360
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Cultural Artifacts2216,698
Entertainment Media4420,856
Fashion Clothing12256,852
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Billing Systems170,880
Managerial Services1117,850
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
Billing Systems170,880
Managerial Services1117,850
Used in directly
Hotel Management System 
Used in schematics
Settlement Hotel LargeSettlement Hotel Medium
Settlement Hotel Small 
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Guest Management (x1)
Billing Systems (x1)Managerial Services (x1)