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Craft info
Manufacture 179 (179) Production 148 (148)
Type Module Tech level 11 (11)
Total Cost 250,116 Ship equip No
Schematic XP 2,525 Total XP 3,611
Total Cost / Total XP 69
Store Strade Schematics (x3)
All resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Blueprints7869,732
Alien Flight Logs11224,528
Alien Industrial Alloys11967,116
Isotopic Sclerogen24466,612
Resolidified Cazrilium242,520
Schematic resources
NameQuantityTotal Price
Alien Blueprints7869,732
Alien Flight Logs11224,528
Alien Industrial Alloys11967,116
Isotopic Sclerogen24466,612
All components
NameQuantityTotal Price
LM4 N8210,742
ZX4 TR1211,386
Schematic components
NameQuantityTotal Price
LM4 N8210,742
ZX4 TR1211,386
Used in directly
Walsa Stabaliser 
Used in schematics
Alien Drald Wreck Salvage LaserAlien Kuit Wreck Salvage Laser
Alien Oremy Wreck Salvage LaserAlien Ranorr Wreck Salvage Laser
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Pimat Sensor (x1)
LM4 N8 (x2)ZX4 TR1 (x2)